
Then It Was Nazism; Now It Is Islam

If there was ever a time that we as Christians needed to stand with Jews and with the Jewish state of Israel, it is now. When Haman was planning genocide in Babylon, Mordecai told Esther that God had placed her in her position of authority “for such a time as this.”

What is your position of authority? Where has God placed you so that your words and your life carry influence? Use it for God’s glory and stand with Israel! Benjamin Netanyahu will be addressing a joint session of Congress today at 11AM EST. If there is any conceivable way you can tune in, I urge you to!

During WWII, Winston Churchill addressed Congress; the leader of one free nation appealed directly to the people of another free nation. Then, as now, one of our strongest allies was being threatened by a totalitarian force. Then it was Nazism; now it is Islam. Let’s stand with Israel and stand with Benjamin Netanyahu!

Watch the broadcast live

An Appeal to Joe Donnelly

[This open letter to Senator-elect Joe Donnelly originally appeared in part in the Kokomo Perspective on December 9, 2012 and in full in the Kokomo Herald on December 10, 2012.]

Dear Editor,

Hobby Lobby is facing large fines by the Federal Government beginning in January because they refuse to provide coverage for abortifacients to its 13,500 employees. We appeal to Senator-elect Joe Donnelly to make good on his commitment as a pro-life Democrat. We hope that Senator elect Joe Donnelly was unaware of the consequences of his support for the law he voted for called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and that he will now push for protection for the consciences of fellow Hoosiers. We know it may be difficult to stand alone if necessary, but we pray that Mr. Donnelly will be emboldened to do so.

The current smokescreen – that Federal tax dollars will not pay for abortion drugs – is just that, a smokescreen. The government requiring businesses to pay for abortion drugs is certainly no better. Such political ploys may divert criticism, but they suggest a deceptive and dishonest manner of governing. We urge Mr. Donnelly to use the weight of his influence to protect those humans conceived but not yet born. Our religious convictions AND our scientific understanding of the human body are why we do not consider these drugs to be conducive to healthy living.

One of our former Presidents wrote, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical” and “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

Hopeful and sincere,

David, Ann and Hannah Ihms

Pastor Steve and Evelyn Sherwood

Pastor Jeff, Tammy and Jayme Hierholzer

Rob and Robin Brookshire

Leelia Cornell

Ed and Nilda Penaflor

Pastor Bill Martin

Troy and Brenda Pullen

Cindy Benedum

Jacob and Betty Deurloo

Clovis Smith

Michael G. Kranner

Joe and Andrea Russeau

Mickey Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heck

Faith Rose-Scales

Don and Linda Burris

Jeff Schwartz

Gail Ambrose

Geri and Jesse Brewster

Pastor Ed and Marylu Vasicek

Terry and Sharon Watson

Mark Lantz

Karen and Loren Hylton

Barney and Mariann Shayne

Larry and Felicia King

“These abortion-causing drugs go against our faith, and our family is now being forced to choose between following the laws of the land that we love or maintaining the religious beliefs that have made our business successful,” David Green, Hobby Lobby’s founder and CEO, said in September. “…We simply cannot abandon our religious beliefs to comply with this mandate.”


Sacred Cows and Holy Cows

The following article was originally published by Illinois Review.

When President Obama questioned a business owner’s role in the success of his company, he questioned more than who gets credit for what. He questioned private property itself. If “you didn’t build that,” do you really even own it?

As grand as the Great Pyramids and the Roman Coliseum are, there’s something profoundly unsettling on reflecting that they were built on the backs of slaves. If you and I were properly indoctrinated, we’d feel the same indignation when we looked at the Sears Tower or the Space Needle.

Because, we’re told, businesses are the Bain of our existence. Our employer may press a paycheck into our sweaty, calloused hands, but he’s paying only a fraction of what is rightfully ours. We’ll claim the whole shebang when the workers unite. Then we’ll collectivize… and restratify?

President Obama’s administration isn’t hostile to all businesses, only those that don’t toe the line. If things continue as they have been, a business’s position in the heap will depend on their leaders’ ideology. Everything belongs to the federal government, but that need not be overemphasized if everyone plays their part. The divide between private and public can be blurred when the government and the businesses’ values are aligned.

Rahm Emanuel may take issue with Chick-fil-A, but he certainly doesn’t have a problem with another cow-bedecked chain. When Jostein Solheim became the new CEO of the company, he pointed out: “My mantra that I’ve repeated a hundred times since starting at Ben & Jerry’s is: ‘Change is a wonderful thing. The world needs dramatic change to address the social and environmental challenges we are facing. Values led businesses can play a critical role in driving that positive change. We need to lead by example, and prove to the world that this is the best way to run a business. Historically, this company has been and must continue to be a pioneer to continually challenge how business can be a force for good and address inequities inherent in global business.”

As Benjamin Bull from American Thinker has pointed out, Ben & Jerry’s can sell “Hubby-Hubby” or “A-ppley Ever After” ice cream to promote homosexual “marriage,” but Don Cathy of Chick-fil-A’s better not breathe the faintest murmur against the practice. It’s “Have it your way” as long as it’s their way, and “I’m lovin’ it” as long it advances the agenda flavor of the day.

What’s most important isn’t the ability for a company to survive without government, but it’s willingness to cohabitate with it. Anything’s sustainable, as long as there’s taxpayers to pay for it. General Motors went bankrupt and sacrificed the value of its employees’ pensions, the Chevy Cruze is quite literally going up in flames, but what difference does it make? General Electric maintains a close interdependency with the Obama administration, and its justifications max out the baloney meter, but what’s the impetus to change? Success as a business is guaranteed, when the proper political connections are made.

All this can last as long as Americans are willing to contribute without being allowed to choose, and as long as there’s enough hosts to support the hangers-on. Not to worry. As President Obama said, “There are a whole bunch of hard-working people out there.”

9/11: Ten Years Later

Where were you when the Twin Towers were attacked? I was playing music on my keyboard in my room when my mom urgently called me downstairs. My mom, sister and I watched the breaking news on TV: a building in New York City had been hit by a plane and had caught on fire. Smoke and flames were billowing from its side, and the commentators were speculating on its structural integrity and the safety of the buildings surrounding it. I was absolutely confused: what were these Twin Towers? What had caused the plane to crash?

Then the second tower was attacked. The whole dynamic changed. This was no freak accident. You could come up with a hundred explanations for how one plane could spiral out of control, but two, on the same day, in the same location? It was impossible.

Fear and uncertainty swirled in my brain. Who could possibly have done this? And why?

Then I thought about the people inside the buildings. In my naivete, I truly believed everyone was evacuating the building as we watched. After all, I lived in rural Indiana, and the largest building I’d ever been would hardly have taken more than 10 minutes to clear. The reality didn’t sink in until I saw people jumping from the buildings. In a moment my horror that these people would commit suicide instead of evacuating was replaced by the realization that they were taking the last desperate chance available to them.

Thinking back through the events of that day, I’m struck by how absolutely unprepared we were. American children today have grown up with TSA restrictions, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and most of all an awareness of the hatred many Islamists have for their country and for them. By contrast, I was born during a time of peace. When my family flew, friends and family could accompany us to the boarding gate. I never had even heard the word “terrorist” until 9/11, and I thought everyone loved America.

Our national naivete played directly into the hands of the Islamists who meant us harm. We never imagined that anyone would want to use our transportation system against us, or would be willing to brutally use planeloads of innocent men, women, and children to murder their fellows.

Yet even amid the tragedy of 9/11, the mercy of God stands in bold relief. Not every plane struck its target that day. As the Islamists lost their element of surprise, quick-thinking men such as Todd Beamer were able to subvert their plans.

Yet the loss of life is staggering. 2,996 people died that day: 19 murderers and their 2,977 victims. All the victims were civilians except for 55 Pentagon personnel. The victims on the planes were taken by surprise, and were conscripted into a plan of terror that no sane person could ever have anticipated.

As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, let us remember those who lost their lives in the attacks on the Twin Towers. Let us also remember all those who have sacrificed their lives to defend our great nation in the days since 9/11.

May the God of all comfort comfort us in our time of need, and encourage us in our fight against Islamism.